Certified Health Education Specialist

Exam Prep Course

Our exam preparation package offers a mini CHES exam with 70 questions and eight educational videos covering each area of responsibility. Enhance your understanding with quizzes, case studies, study guides, and downloadable PowerPoint slides. Students will also access an online forum for connection and discussion.

This on-demand study prep course includes:

  • 1-year access

  • Mini CHES exam (70 questions)

  • Eight videos exploring each responsibility

  • Quizzes and case studies

  • Study guides and downloadable PowerPoints

  • One-on-one mentor session

  • An online forum for student engagement

All are designed to support your journey to becoming a Certified Health Education Specialist!

Based off HESPA II 2020

Becoming a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) in 2020 was a significant achievement after earning my Bachelor's degree. I passed the exam on my first attempt and helped others succeed by co-founding a study group.

-Nakia Bolden, MPH, CHES

Founder and Executive Director

I Am Health Education

Certified Health Education Specialist Exam Course Reviews!

Your structured approach, interactive sessions, and valuable resources were instrumental in my success. I deeply appreciate the dedication and expertise you put in developing the CHES prep booth camp. The comprehensive review and expert guidance helped me thoroughly prepare for and pass my CHES certification exam!
— CHES Exam Prep Participant
Thank you!!! You saved me with your boot camp and that one-on-one!! I never would have figured out why I wasn’t getting those questions!
— CHES Exam Prep Participant
Thankful for this Bootcamp. It helped me realize what I needed to focus more on.
— CHES Exam Prep Participant

CHES Prep Bingo Extravaganza:

Two Must-Have Kits for Success

In these two engaging Bingo toolkits, participants delve into various facts of health education and promotion.

  • The first toolkit addresses the Ecological Model, epidemiology, SMART goals, and the Transtheoretical Model, highlighting practical actions and community-driven interventions.

  • The second toolkit presents the Health Belief Model and the Program Planning Model, concentrating on both individual and community empowerment.

Both toolkits converge on social cognitive theories, locus of control, and evaluation processes, providing a complete understanding of health promotion. Whether exploring layers of influence or empowering communities, players acquire a comprehensive set of tools for promoting positive health outcomes.